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12/18/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

I know there’s still several days in front of us in 2015, but with our winter break coming up and my thinking that there will be a bunch of annual leave burned the week between Christmas and New Year’s, I wanted to get a message to you before the break begins.

It’s amazing that the year has almost ended. Where did it go…and what happened during it? Once again, some of us successfully dodged significant health issues and some continue working to overcome them, but we’re here to talk about it. We helped some customers work through issues that neither they nor we wanted to face head on, but we and they did and came through without too many wounds. Our University was scrutinized a couple times in ways that were painful, but the mission remains strong and we’ll do our part to cause the University to continue having a tremendous positive influence on folks in Tennessee.

But now, it’s time to take a break and enjoy family and friends and all the things that seem to come about this time of the year. Know that my appreciation for what each of you do just keeps getting bigger day by day and I always consider my association with you as a tremendous gift. I plan on enjoying the merriest of Christmases and wish that for you too.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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