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12/18/2014 Executive News

Executive News


We’re wrapping up another calendar year and looking forward to a break from work and enjoying all the things that mean Christmas to us. I’m not sure where 2014 has gone, but we have successfully (and, thankfully) made it through another year. Soon after the New Year, we’ll tackle things like budgets for FY2016 and APR’s Ah, yes! The traditions continue!

Over the past year, a lot of work has been done looking at the APR process, not just in MTAS but throughout IPS. The previous two employee engagement surveys indicated that work needed to be done. And then, when Herb met with all of us to talk about the assessment, we heard him mention that the process needed further review. Since late 2013, Rick, Lisa, Stephanie, Richard and others have dedicated significant time considering what would make our process even better. In spite of all that good work, some questions still remain and some additional consideration must be given. As the work group has found out and as we all probably realize, increasing objectivity and decreasing subjectivity in performance appraisal is a great concept. Making it a reality presents a very complex task to be accomplished.

As we think ahead to APR’s, know that we’ll all participate in a process that will remain unchanged from previous years for this upcoming cycle and the forms we’re accustomed to, even though perceived as cumbersome by some, will be the same.

I expect that we’ll continue reviewing the process and may possibly implement some changes for future cycles during 2015. All IPS supervisors will participate in additional performance appraisal training in 2015. Some of that training has already been scheduled for January. Rick will be sending out the APR schedule soon. Stand by for that.

If I can help with questions, please let me know.

Best regards.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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