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12/17/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Web site additions - Frances has added the following resources to the MTAS website:
  • Updates to "Recent Projects"
  • Water System Security Toolbox
  • Hot Topic by Rex Barton on changes to P.O.S.T. rules
  • Technical Bulletin by David Angerer on unemployment insurance
  • Technical Bulletin by Ray Crouch on mutual aid assistance

    Annual Performance Reviews - Six of your colleagues have started to complete their Annual Performance Reviews for 2002. Remember it's due January 20. And, if you do project reporting, please have all your 2002 entries finished by then also. Thanks.

    Periodical Review - With help from many of you, Frances, Becky, Leah, and Jim have completed a review of all the 300 or so magazines and journals we receive in the library. This was no small task. We've cancelled about 150 subscriptions saving direct costs of almost $10,000 annually. More important as we begin to automate the periodical handling and processing, we have reduced the work load to a more manageable level because we are only handling the magazines we truly need. Thanks to Jim, Leah, Becky, and Frances and to all the consultants who helped by reviewing the titles to determine which ones we should retain.

    Bingham Visiting Professor - Beginning next semester (actually January 6) we are going to try something completely different. We will invest some of the earnings from the Bingham Endowment to appoint Dr. Janet Kelly of the UTK Political Science Department to serve as the Bingham Visiting Professor from January through May, 2003. Dr. Kelly's work will involve, but not be limited to, assisting and making recommendations for improving the MTAS benchmarking project, assisting in identifying areas or individuals appropriate for future Bingham Consultancies, providing occasional seminars for MTAS consultants in her areas of specialty, developing recommendations for improving the interface between MTAS and the academic departments, and recommending improvements in the performance indicators for MTAS based on our mission and goals.

    Dr. Kelly has a strong academic background along with local government experience. She worked in the budget office for Charleston, SC. Here's a URL for her page on the UT web site:
    . You may want to look at the "Vita" page.

    As Dr. Kelly learns more about the MTAS mission and service to cities, we will develop additional projects that she can help us with.

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