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12/14/2009 Executive News

Executive News

I am proud to announce that we have two new employees.

Stephanie Allen has accepted the position of Legal Consultant and will be working with our Codes Team to produce and update municipal codes for our cities. Stephanie’s most recent legal work has been with Judge Sharon Lee, when she was an Appeals Court Judge and now as a Supreme Court Justice. She will be an integral part of our Codes production and will over time begin to deal with legal questions in addition to her code work.

Dana Deem has accepted the position of Municipal Management Consultant and will assume responsibility for a service area that is being developed from several other service areas. Dana currently holds the position of City Manager of the City of Clifton and has extensive municipal and managerial experience. He knows MTAS, who we are, and fully understands we do, and how we serve Tennessee cities. He is also very familiar with Tennessee municipal government, state laws and regulations and the key persons in state government and affiliated associations and entities.

Stephanie and Dana will start on Monday, January 4. Contact with them beforehand will be limited, but we hope to assign them email addresses before the holidays. We will let you know as soon as we do and will encourage you to contact them and welcome them to MTAS.



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