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12/13/2017 Executive News

Executive News


Hello MTAS:

Happy December 12.

I hope your week is off to a great start.

As you all know, I’ve been spending time with each of you trying to learn more about MTAS. As a management consultant, I would sometimes get customers who would call and apologize for asking me something. I’d reply with “you don’t know what you don’t know, so it’s good you’re asking.” Well, now it’s my turn; and I’ve been doing a lot of asking. I have learned so much from each of you and I sincerely appreciate you taking the time out of your day, and away from your customers, to help me learn what I don’t know. By December 21 st , I will have met with everyone, except one employee. I was really hoping to reach everyone by the end of the calendar year but I’m falling just a little short. Once I’ve talked to the 45 th employee, I will study my notes and try to figure out the commonalties and trends that I’ve heard. Those items will be the ones that I’ll focus on first. I believe this will be a great exercise for me before I head into a new year with a new set of work plan goals. Your feedback will become part of my Annual Performance Review. What you say matters and I am most definitely listening to you.

Other things happening at MTAS that you might want to know about include:
· Hiring is in the works for the following positions: training coordinator, business manager, training consultant and management consultant.
· Strategic planning efforts have begun to pinpoint objectives we are going to accomplish in an effort to help IPS achieve its goals which in turn help UT achieve its goals. As I’ve said in the past, I’m excited about our future. I welcome your insights and input.
· I have been researching the UT policy and IPS procedures on flexible work schedules, and how many of our staff are using those options. I’m still studying the situation and I will let you know what I learn. For the record, here is what UT policy says:

Thanks again go to Frances for managing our pullover and vest order. I’ve received a lot of positive comments about the MTAS apparel. I hope you wear the items with as much pride as I do. And by the way, you look fabulous in your new clothes.

There was one birthday last week – happy birthday John Chlarson (on the fifth)! Also, we need to celebrate a work anniversary for Cyndy. She began working with us four years ago on December 9. We have definitely upped our online training presence since Cyndy came on board. Congratulations and thanks Cyndy!

It’s already Tuesday, but the week isn’t out of reach yet. I hope you have a wonderful remainder, and that you’re able to understand the impact you have on Tennessee by the work you do. If you don’t, just ask me and I’ll give you my opinion. Thank you for making my job so rewarding and for contributing to the success of the cities and towns in our fine state.


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