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12/11/1998 Executive News

Executive News

Here are the minutes for the last management team meeting. I'm going to post the minutes here after each meeting (but maybe not quite so long after the meeting next time).
Management Team Meeting
Monday, November 30, 1998
Monterey, Garden Inn
9:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

Here are the highlights of the meeting. Attending were Bob, SharonR, MikeT, and Sally.
The agenda is in regular print. What we did is in italics.

1. Roles - discuss, change, and adopt the description of roles for everyone beginning in January. We reviewed the roles as part of the MTAS reorganization and change process. A copy of the revised roles has been emailed to everyone and will be discussed at the agency meeting on Thursday, December 17. Here is a copy.

2. Budget Report - We reviewed the current status of our budget.

3. Bingham Consultancy - We have some earnings accumulated. I'd like to come up with one or two ideas for the first Bingham Consultant that I can start discussing with Sammie Lynn. We had a couple of ideas and would like to take suggestions from everyone.

4. IPS biannual customer survey - It's time again. We'll look at the last survey to see if we want to make any changes. We will send out a copy of the draft survey as soon as we receive it from IPS.

5. Numbers, numbers - We need to talk about how we are going to improve our collection of numbers. The new standard for 1999 is to complete project reporting weekly. Our numbers have been down because we haven't entered our data.

6. Agenda for our agency meeting on December 17 - We developed the agenda for Thursday.

7. Fiftieth Anniversary Plans - Bob reviewed with the management team. We will send a copy to the entire staff soon.

8. AMA lessons - I spent three days in Washington at an AMA class on how to manage managers. I think it helped. Everyone will have to let me know later.

9. Recruitment update - As of December 11, we have completed interviews for Training Consultant, we are conducting interviews for Data Integrity Clerk and we are two weeks into receiving applications for Management Consultant in Jackson and in Knoxville . So far, we have received 22 applications combined.

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