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12/10/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Monday Morning,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are excited about the week ahead. I know I am; and I wish that you are able to also have the same optimistic outlook. Maybe it’s all the peace, love and glad tidings going around this time of year.

Before I get into a week in review, I want to share with you some of the positive things our customers have been telling me. I have three to share with you.

The first is from Larry Clark, the assistant city administrator in Morristown. John G. helped him with an overtime question and this was Larry’s email to me: “Wanted to pass this along and say THANKS to you and all MTAS staff for the assistance that they give on a daily basis.”

The second is from our former executive director, Jim Thomas. He is working with TCMA on a new initiative and Frances helped him and the association with some logistics and organizational skills. Here is what Jim had to say: “Frances has contributed time and talent over the past few months to a project we’re working on at TCMA...and her contribution is greatly appreciated. [She has] become part of the success of current and future city managers.”

The third kudos that I want to share comes from the city manager in Fayetteville, Scott Collins. He said, “.. I want to express my appreciation to Steve Cross for his professional and dedicated guidance on a controversial issue regarding our Fire Department and overtime pay. Steve was exceptional in painstakingly addressing all aspects of the issue, even coordinating with Dennis Wolfe on emails from years ago to the former Finance Director. At this time, it appears the issue will be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved – a task that seemed impossible before Steve’s involvement with his expertise and compassionate guidance.” Mr. Collins went on to say “Again, thank you so much for everything – MTAS is such an invaluable asset, primarily because of the dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable folks…”

At 1610 University Avenue in Knoxville last week, interim UT President Randy Boyd attended a reception in his honor. He spoke to the crowd about his six work priorities for the next two years and asked for input/questions from those in attendance. I believe that he will look into the answers and act accordingly. The interaction was very positive; and I have the impression that Mr. Boyd cares, has an attitude of learning, and is dedicated to UT. He will be attending a similar event in Nashville on January 9. If you’d like to attend that function, please let me know and I’ll get you included in the head count.

Also last week Gail White sent the annual conflict of interest discourse forms to everyone. If you let this slip past you, please go back and look for her email from December 3. The deadline is January 4, and the form is now processed completely electronically – no more paper copies being swapped back and forth. If you accidentally deleted the email, please let me know and I’ll forward you a copy.

The TML District meetings have been happening across the state the last couple of weeks and they end this Friday. The League highlighted its legislative agenda for the upcoming year and gave some strong histories on legislative issues that may be resolved this year. As is normal for these meetings, there were also reports from the TML Bond Fund and Public Entity Partners (formerly the Pool). Like MTAS, these two groups do amazing things for the cities and towns of this state. The presentation began with a statistic that ¼ of the General Assembly is new this year. The GA convenes January 8 at noon. The program concluded with TML’s executive director emphasizing the need for municipalities to respond to the League’s requests for assistance when made. I am excited to see how the next session will go – the potential is great.

Speaking of great, we have a great staff at MTAS. You already knew that, but did you know that John Chlarson had a birthday on the 5 th ? Happy Birthday John!

I want to end this week’s Mustard with a shout out to the MTAS Newsletter that just celebrated its ninetieth edition. According to Frances “We started the newsletter in 2010 – Mike Tallent initiated it and asked me to take it on. Of course, I said yes! And 90 issues later, we are still chugging along.” That is a lot of news and information over the years. Congratulations to the E-News on hitting this milestone. Please give it a read and when you’re on the phone or in person with a municipal customer, ask him or her about an article in the latest edition. I’m sure this will lead to some engaging conversations.

Take care, stay warm, and safe, especially now that the four letter winter weather word has been mentioned so many times. Please be aware of the inclement weather policy for your office and use the good judgment I know you have when making decisions about travel in rough weather.


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