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12/10/2012 Executive News

Executive News

Good morning, fellow MTASers.

Recently, Vice President Jinks and Agriculture Extension Dean Tim Cross appeared before the UT Board of Trustees and presented an overview of outreach and engagement activities and successes of their respective University institutes. The presentation included a video featuring customers of both institutes. The video is posted on the IPS intranet at
for your viewing. Take five minutes to look at it. Sometimes it’s nice to hear and see affirmation of the work we do and this video does a good job of that. I need to talk to the first customer and learn how he saves 75% of his monthly allowance and only spends 25%. Doesn’t seem to work out that way at my house on payday.

Also…as a reminder…we’ll hold our statewide staff meeting at 10am eastern (9am central) on Thursday morning, December 20 th . In the spirit of the season, my intentions are to keep it brief, but there are several informational things that need discussion. I’ll send out an agenda later this week.

Lastly…and very importantly…know that two among us took up a challenge two years ago to learn and expand their professional knowledge and skills in a special way. Sandy Selvage and Armintha Loveday recently and successfully completed all requirements for certification as municipal financial officers...CMFO’s. Congratulations to you both.

Thanks for what each of you do every day for MTAS and its customers.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
The University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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