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12/10/2010 Executive News

Executive News

For the past year or more there has been discussion over the need to reorganize MTAS to meet the changing needs of cities and towns in Tennessee, and the attached memo was developed out of our discussions together, from the tentative results of the MTAS service priorities survey, and from discussions with the MTAS Advisory Committee. Generally you will find that the changes support our continued emphasis on the services that the cities and towns support, and create some capacity to deal with changing needs as well.

The changes outlined are not earth-shaking, but over time the continued emphasis on the good services of MTAS, combined with greater efforts in the strategic areas of new services, renewed partnerships, and research and publications, should strengthen the role of MTAS in Tennessee and as an IPS agency.

I look forward to discussing these changes with each of you.



Steven T. Thompson
Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service
600 Henley Street, Suite 120
University of Tennessee
(865) 974-9856 Office
(865) 974-0423 Fax

MTAS Organizational Update.pdf
MTAS Organizational Update.pdf

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