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12/08/2015 Executive News

Executive News

It is a bit confusing for everyone what to do with the mail so here is the plan. If you have mail that you are sending from MTAS (like in MTAS envelopes), Campus Mail, etc., there is a box in the copy room in front of the mailboxes for you to put that mail in. As at the other place, I will count the number of pieces and fill out the appropriate form each morning and take to the front. I believe they said the UT mailman comes around 9:30 and he/she will pick the MTAS and campus mail up. As far as U.S. Post Office mail (the kind you have to put stamps on), there is a slot up front for those, however, the U.S. Post Office mail person only comes here if they have something that is coming here so they do not come every day. They will only take mail out, if they bring something in. If you plan to pay your bills or send personal letters and such, you better go to the post office nearest your house or do so from your home mailbox.

Anyway, please put MTAS mail in the mailroom so I can fill out the UT mail form and stamped Post office mail either in the front or mail on your own. Hope that is pretty clear. Thanks.

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