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12/04/2015 Executive News

Executive News


Below is some general information about the building that I think you’ll find helpful:

Mail/postage – the UT mail service will continue to deliver and take mail daily. He arrives about 9:30am each day. All outgoing mail that needs postage should continue to be tagged with agency mail tags. The USPS is beginning to deliver mail to this address; however, if there is no USPS mail, he does not stop. All mail should be brought to the front lobby and there are slots for mail on the credenza.
Alarm – this building has an alarm that is monitored by the UT Alarm Center. Your ID card (new prox card) provides all employees with 24 hour/7 day a week access to the building. If you are in the office after hours or weekends, be sure that the doors close behind you.

Lights – On the first floor, the lights in the University side offices are on an automatic timer so they come on when you enter the room and go off after a period of time. All other lights on the first floor require manually turning them on/off. On the second floor, all the lights require manually be turned on/off. Please be a good steward of electricity and turn off lights when you leave.

Kitchen – the vending machines on the first floor are to be moved to the inside wall and the coke machine will be getting a credit card reader installed. The vending machines on the second floor are to be delivered next week.
Doors – the employee ID card should work both the two front doors and the back door (outside doors). You will have a key for your office doors (internal). On the card readers, you should be able to hold your card to the black plate and you will see a green light come on. On the glass front doors, the door will swing open automatically and close automatically. On the solid front door and solid rear door, the green light will come on and you will pull on the handle. Should you have problems with your ID card, 1 st floor should let Justin O’Hara know and 2 nd floor should let Judie Martin know.

Parking Lot lights/blue phone – Facilities has been notified about the lights in the parking lot and have ordered bulbs for the pole lights. The blue phone is not in yet and will be installed by the contractor as soon as it is received. It will be on the second level of the parking lot by the stairs.

Also, please take next week, Dec. 7-11, to check all electrical outlets, data ports, paint touch-ups, or other items that need to be completed by the contractor. We will put these on the punch list. If you find any problems, please send an email to me.

I hope you all will have a great weekend!


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