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11/27/2017 Executive News

Executive News


Hello MTAS:

This is going to be a long one – I’ve missed a couple of weeks from being on the road visiting MTAS offices. Those have been really good days, and I’ve learned so much from my one-on-ones with you. I look forward to meeting everyone by the end of the calendar year.

So, let’s get started. CONGRATULATIONS to John Chlarson for being named the Person of the Year by the Tennessee Stormwater Association (TNSA). The press release says that the Person of the Year is an individual who displays “Exceptional dedication and commitment to TNSA.” The release talks about what John has done to deserve this esteemed award:

Person of the Year was awarded to John Chlarson with the University of Tennessee’s Municipal Technical Advisory Service, in cooperation with the Tennessee Municipal League. John has been instrumental to the inception and continued success of the Tennessee Stormwater Association. He has been an integral component of the stormwater world in Tennessee since 2003 when he helped TDEC draft the very first Phase II permit and NOI, and the Annual Report. John also co-authored a statewide Model Stormwater Ordinance and a statewide Model Stormwater Utility Ordinance for municipalities in the State of Tennessee. He helped compile all the necessary paperwork and documents to formally incorporate the TNSA in 2008. He has helped countless communities across the state with municipal operations, traffic, and public works needs. He has assisted many stormwater programs and presented before a multitude of city councils on the importance for responsible stormwater management and has served as TNSA Ad-Hoc Secretary since TNSA's inception. Mr. Chlarson is always willing to schedule an array of training classes including municipal housekeeping, administrative hearings, SWPPP development etc. John plays a significant role in the continual growth of TNSA and we are ever grateful for his generous time and commitment to the Association.

John, MTAS is also “ever grateful” for the work you do to improve the lives of Tennesseans.

In the last Mustard, I started with a congrats to PJ. Her last day was Halloween and we had a very nice retirement reception for her in the UT gardens. If I may say, I was so very proud of everyone for chipping in and donating to a gift for PJ. She received a Dwarf Dawn Redwood tree, plus a striking blue pot and a Home Depot gift card. Frances went to NC to get the tree (on her own time), and I appreciate her efforts. This is a specialty tree that PJ has had her eye on for a while. Thanks to Armintha too for handling the arrangements. Many photos of the event were taken (thanks to Susan and Hannah with IPS), and you can view them on the IPSWideShare drive (I), then select the Photo Library folder, then select the MTAS folder, then finally, the PJ Snodgrass Retirement folder.

Speaking of photos, I am remiss in letting you know that our group photos taken at the IPS retreat are available on the M drive. To get there, select the Photo folder, then MTAS Staff Pictures, then Group 2017 at IPS. Thanks again goes to Susan Robertson for being our photographer. I think she captured our team nicely!

Here’s an update on the MTAS clothing purchase. The order is in! The folks in Knoxville received theirs today, and as I travel to Memphis this week for the management, finance, and technical consultant meeting, I’ll deliver everyone else’s. I apologize that not everyone could have them on the same day, but this saves us money on shipping and seems the efficient thing to do. I hope you’re pleased with your selection. Thanks goes to Frances, and her team, for managing our order and making this a reality.

Earlier this month, I attended my first TML Board meeting in Nashville. One item on their agenda was the upcoming meeting in each district. Thanks to everyone who has agreed to attend one of the district meetings. MTAS will be well represented. The League does a lot to support us, and I appreciate all of you who will attend and show them that we support their efforts too.

Another first for me was the MTAS Advisory Board meeting on November 13 th . We had strong attendance, and I am looking forward to working with the board members. They have already given me some solid feedback, and I anticipate getting even more in the future. Remember, feedback is a gift.

Now it’s onto celebrations for birthdays and work anniversaries. Congratulations go to Dawn, Kay, and Laura who had birthdays earlier this month; and congratulations on work anniversaries (Kelley hit the four year mark on the fourth; Sherri reached five years on the fifth; and Doug celebrated 11 years on the 20 th ). Thanks for the twenty years of service between the three of you!

Another celebration is for our veterans on staff - November 11 was Veteran’s Day. While I don’t have a confirmed record of national service, I hope I’ve got an accurate list of those who have served our country, in addition to our state. Please join me in honoring: John Chlarson, Dana Deem, James Gallup (new public management fellow in Athens), Al Major, and Ronnie Neill. If you have served for the armed services and I omitted your name, please let me know about my error, and I will correct the oversight. Your service is too important not to be duly recognized.

As we head full-steam into the holiday season, potentially full of stress, I want to share with you a few lines from a movie called “Bridge of Spies.” I watched this a few weeks ago and the scene below gave me so much freedom. I hope you get the same effect. The movie is based on a true story from the early years of the Cold War. Here’s the setup – attorney James Donovan (played by Tom Hanks) has been assigned to represent an alleged Russian spy (Rudolf Abel, played by Mark Rylance). The trial isn’t going well for these two men and James is being honest with Rudolf about the potential outcome (death penalty):

James Donovan: I have a mandate to serve you. Nobody else does. Quite frankly, everybody else has an interest in sending you to the electric chair.
Rudolf Abel: All right...
James Donovan: You don't seem alarmed.
Rudolf Abel: Would it help?

So, the next time the pressures start to get to you, ask yourself if getting worried and worked up will help. If the answer is no, try to let it go and focus on something over which you can change the outcome.

I hope you had a restful Thanksgiving weekend and are recharged for the week ahead,

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