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11/25/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

If you’ve been like me this afternoon and you weren’t at the office, all those last minute “to-do’s” before family and friends arrive for a time of celebration tomorrow are getting worked over pretty good. Hectic times, huh? I’m thankful that the list of things to get done is long and I’m around to do them. But I’m thankful for each of you too…thankful that you give me the opportunity each day to work with the smartest and most servant-hearted people I know. What you do each day for our customers, each other and our University is noticed and greatly appreciated. Before the feast tomorrow, my family will gather for a prayer of thanksgiving and you’ll be on my mind and heart as I tell them what I’m thankful for.

Best wishes to you and your families and friends for a peaceful and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
UT Municipal Technical Advisory Service
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219

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