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11/23/2016 Executive News

Executive News

Each Thanksgiving, at some point I always try to find time to re-read Lincoln’s proclamation and comments on Thanksgiving. It always reminds me of just how much we have to be thankful for, especially in this country. If Lincoln could find so much to be thankful for in a time of civil war, I can so much more count my blessings today.

The list gets long when I pause to make it. Faith – family – friends. Country, state, university, organization. Meaningful work and gainful employment. Great stakeholders and clientele. And more…

For now though, as we break for the holiday, I’m thankful for each of you and all you do to help us achieve our mission as we serve business and government to empower Tennesseans.

Someone mentioned this week that gratitude is a feeling. Thanks giving is an action. While I’m glad we focus a holiday on it, I’m also glad we can practice giving thanks every day.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.


Dr. Herb Byrd, III
Vice President of Public Service
UT Institute for Public Service
1610 University Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37921-6741

Office: (865) 974-8278
Mobile: (865) 386-5656

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