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11/21/1995 Executive News

Executive News

Staff Update

Off They Go Again - To be more precise, off he goes again and he's bringing a friend. Joe Muscatello is returned to Eastern Europe with Mike Tallent this time. They will travel to Transylvania in Romania working with several cities as part of a project sponsored by the State Department through the UT College of Business. They leave Wednesday, November 29 and should return December 10.

TML Legislative Conference - Please mark your 1996 calendar for the TML Legislative Conference to be held on Monday, February 5 and Tuesday, February 6. TML will have a luncheon and reception on Monday with the legislative briefing on Tuesday morning.

MTAS Retreat - And while you have your 1996 calendar out, please reserve Tuesday, May 7 through Thursday, May 9 for the MTAS retreat. Well go to Pickwick State Park and spend some time with Ronnie and Carol Neill at their lake house.

TML communications - We still don't have TML connected to our E-mail system. Its more complicated than I can explain. In the meantime, many of the TML staff on hooked to the Internet through America Online. So, if you need to send E-mail to Ed Young, for example, you use his Internet address of

Impact Assessment - MikeT, JimF, Sharon and I represented MTAS last week at an IPS meeting in Cookeville to discuss ways we can measure our effectiveness with our customers. We decided to appoint two IPS wide task forces - one for capacity building (MikeT will represent MTAS on this one) and one for improved services (JimF). Our goal is to develop measures and begin using them by July 1996.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING - Enjoy your holiday (and please remember the Knoxville office will be closed on Wednesday because the electricity will be off.)

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