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11/19/2012 Executive News

Executive News

As we all know, MTAS has been engaged in the Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence assessment program for over a year. Last February, MTAS and the other IPS agencies were recognized by TNCPE with the awarding of its Level 1 award – Interest Recognition. Level 1 awards are made to organizations expressing their interest in adopting and applying performance improvement principles.

Over the past year, Margaret Norris, Josh Jones and Gary Petree worked long and diligently preparing MTAS’s application for consideration of a higher level award from TNCPE. Most folks in MTAS provided needed support to Margaret, Josh and Gary as they developed the application and many in the Knoxville office actively participated in TNCPE’s site visit and examination in late September.

Yesterday, I was advised by the President of TNCPE, Katie Rawls, that MTAS has achieved the next level award, Level 2 – Commitment Award, which will be recognized at TNCPE’s awards banquet in February. The Level 2 award recognizes organizations that have begun demonstrating serious commitment to, and implementation of, performance improvement principles.

Thanks to Margaret, Josh and Gary for their work in preparing the application for this award and to everybody who participated in the process to this point.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
The University of Tennessee Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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