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11/18/2016 Executive News

Executive News

It’s a pleasure to deliver the MTAS 2017 Training Catalog to you.

Author Doris Lessing won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2007. She once said, “That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.” I find her quote particularly interesting when I consider the environment municipal officials and staff find ourselves in today—an environment that is ever–changing, different today than yesterday and we’ll say the same thing tomorrow.

Learning new things and learning new ways to do old things has to happen in order for local government officials to effectively and efficiently deliver the services expected by their citizens. MTAS knows that and is committed to continually evaluating and updating the training it provides according to that environment.

As you read through this 2017 MTAS Training Catalog, you will see that we’ve listened to you and others about your training needs. We’ve described what training is available and when, where and how it will be delivered—all information you need to plan an effective training schedule for yourself and your fellow municipal officials.

If you should have any questions or need additional training assistance throughout the upcoming year, please don’t hesitate to contact the MTAS training team. We’re here to meet your training needs. The work you do every day in Tennessee’s towns and cities makes the lives of our citizens better in many ways. You and MTAS owe it to them to be up-to-speed on new and best practices in public service. MTAS, and its training program, stand ready to be your support staff in doing what you do every day to make your town and city great. Thank you for all you do.

Jim Thomas
Executive Director


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