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11/17/2005 Executive News

Executive News

TML Legislative Conference - This will be March 6 & 7 at the DoubleTree in Nashville. TML district meetings will be held in January, but the dates haven't been selected yet. On November 10, the TML Board adopted its legislative policy for 2006 along with a note of thanks for the MTAS consultants who had helped with the policies by working with the policy committees and the TML staff.

Departure - Nancy Gibson has accepted another job in west Knoxville with an accounting firm and will be leaving the Codes Team. Her last day will be November 25. The Codes Team, and all of us, will miss her accuracy, personality, and ability to get the job done.

Ordinance Database - Several consultants, in fact, most consultants, have been working with Frances and Becky to review all the ordinances in the ordinance database to make sure that everything we have is current and valid. It's been a monumental task and we're nearly, almost, just about, done. THANKS to everyone who has helped. Knowledgebase is next!

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