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11/12/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Today is the first day - for Sloan Norton. Beginning today, Sloan transfers from the UT temporary help pool where she has been working for us at the front desk in Knoxville since June to Senior Word Processing Specialist for MTAS in Knoxville. She will continue to be the friendly voice you hear most often when you call 974-0411. WELCOME.

Spam - Spam is the unwelcome email you sometimes find in your inbox. No, I'm not referring to my Staff Updates, but to some of those ads. The FCC has a mailbox set up to receive copies of Spam. It helps them keep up with what's going on and every now and then they prosecute. The address is "". It might make you feel better to forward a copy to them. UT has several programs in place to try to block some of it and you can create a rule in your Notes mail to send mail from certain sources directly to the trash. But in some cases, the only solution is to delete it.

Moving - We're moving Dennis' office from Knoxville to Nashville. He and Patty are on vacation for the next two weeks. After he gets back, he'll pack up his law books and move his shingle to the conference room in our Nashville office. He'll be open for business December 2. TML had asked that we provide closer legal support in Nashville. He'll be in the conference room until our entire Nashville office moves but we have no word yet on when (or where for sure) that will be scheduled.

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