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11/12/2001 Executive News

Executive News

UT Homecoming - You've probably heard that UT won its homecoming game against the University of Memphis. What you may not have heard is that several people decorated their offices in Knoxville for homecoming. We had a contest and Dennis was the judge. Here are some pictures in a PowerPoint presentation. You can view it with Notes or launch it with PowerPoint.
UT Homecoming 2001 @ MTAS.ppt
UT Homecoming 2001 @ MTAS.ppt

Staff meetings - Remember we have staff meetings at 9:30 in Jackson on Tuesday; Nashville on Wednesday; and Knoxville on Friday. Here's the agenda we will follow:

1. Staff Meeting schedule - We'll go over the schedule for 2002.
2. APR schedule - We've scheduled these interviews for late January. (Knoxville Jan 22-25; Jackson Jan 28; and Nashville Jan 29-30. You may want to update your quarterly entries (this applies to exempt staff only).
3. State financial situation - The TML Board has adopted a policy favoring tax reform, including an income tax. It's not clear what, if anything the state legislature will do, but we can discuss it some.
4. Orientation - Our orientation design team (Rick, Margaret, Becky, Dianna, and David) has prepared two very helpful manuals. And, if we can reproduce them in time, we'll distribute them during the staff meeting. If not, please watch your mail box, because you will get your copy soon.
5. Staff Roundtable - I'd like to spend most of the meeting discussing one great project for each person present. Please come prepared for your turn.

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