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11/07/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Election Contest - Warren and Don win a lunch for predicting 51% for Bredesen for the Governor's race. The actual amount was 50.5%.
Dick wins a lunch for predicting 54.3% for Senator-elect Alexander. The actual amount was 54.4%. (Warren and Don each predicted 54% for this race - so they get the overall prize.)

As a group, the average of our predictions was so good, we ought to do this for a living.

Race MTAS avg. prediction Actual Vote
Governor Bredesen 50.1% 50.5%
Senator Alexander 54.2% 54.4%
Amendment #1 56.7% 57.6%
Amendment #2 46.3% 53.1% of vote, 42.5% of Governor's race

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