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11/06/2017 Executive News

Executive News


Hello MTAS:

Happy Monday and welcome to another Mustard.

Last week I started the Mustard with a congrats to PJ. Her last day was Halloween and we had a very nice retirement reception for her in the UT gardens. If I may, I was so very proud of everyone for chipping in and donating to a gift for PJ. She received a Dwarf Dawn Redwood tree, plus a striking blue pot and a Home Depot gift card. Frances went to NC to get the tree (on her own time), and I appreciate her efforts. This is a specialty tree that PJ has had her eye on for a while. Thanks to Armintha too for handling the arrangements. Many photos of the event were taken, and I’ll let you know when they are shared.

Speaking of photos, I am remiss in letting you know that our group photos taken at the IPS retreat are available on the M drive. To get there, select the Photo folder, then MTAS Staff Pictures, then Group 2017 at IPS.

Here’s an update on the MTAS clothing purchase. The order has shipped, but we were not able to have the vendor do the embroidery work. So, when the package arrives here, it will be sent to a local embroidery shop that says that it will take about a week to get their work done. I am hopeful that we’ll have your selections to you by Thanksgiving. If this changes, look for an update in the next Mustard. Thanks again goes to Frances for managing our order and making this a reality.

Last week I attended my first TML Board meeting in Nashville. One item on their agenda was the upcoming meeting in each district. I’d like to have at least one MTAS representative at each district meeting. The League does a lot to support us and we need to show them that we support their efforts too. Please coordinate with your supervisor if you’re interested in attending. Here is a link to the TML website with the schedule:

Also, you’ll like this one, the HR 128 process has improved! If you sign up for (and complete) a course through K@te, you do not need to do a separate HR 128 form for that K@te training – the system will automatically pick that up and issue you credit for the training in IRIS.

With that good news, let’s do a little more celebrating. Michelle Buckner had a work anniversary on October 29 th . Congratulations on hitting the ten year mark! Thank you for your strong customer service and attention to detail Michelle. We all benefit from your maintenance of the GML; and for keeping the CMFO program registrations and testing on track.

Melissa also had a work anniversary last week. Happy sixteenth anniversary Melissa! I know the cities in West Tennessee really value your opinions and advice, as does everyone on staff who uses your opinions when consulting with cities.

As you read in Herb’s email this morning, we have hired a public management fellow – James Gallup. He’ll be working in Athens for the next two years, with Athens picking up the costs. This is what we used to call the post graduate internship. If you have any questions about this position, please let me know. Welcome aboard James!

Continuing on the subject of HR, here is an update on position vacancies: the Business Manager position has been posted; the East TN management consultant position is in the final stages of hiring; the training coordinator position in Nashville is still in recruitment and we hope to move toward interviews shortly; and the training consultant position in Knoxville is being reviewed by HR and we hope to have it posted this week.

I’ve one last thing to share with you for this week. As I attended a yoga class last week, the instructor ended with “Now that it’s November, the month of Thanksgiving, let’s adopt an attitude of gratitude.” This stuck with me and I hope it strikes a chord with you too. Please have a great week; and know that I am grateful for everything that you do that advances municipal governance.

Sincerely and gratefully,

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