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11/05/2013 Executive News

Executive News

Fellow MTASers,

The MTAS website is now and has been the electronic front door for our town and city customers and many, many others to use for “entering” MTAS. Like any fixture in our home, the front door needs a little “spiffing up” occasionally to make sure it provides a welcoming and effective environment for our guests to enter.

We know from the customer satisfaction survey that electronic connection with MTAS by our customers is an increasingly important link for them. Over the past year, the University, IPS and some of our sister IPS agencies have been working to bring a new look to our respective websites. Consistency of look has been an objective throughout the UT system during this process. Along with a new look, improved functionality and ease of navigation have been emphasized and worked towards.

The new “front door” will go live next week on November 15th. Recognizing its “newness”, we expect comments and questions from those who use the website – both internal and external users. Like with any new fixture in anybody’s home, it will take some getting used to and we’ll discover a few things that will need tweaked. Please let Rick, Lisa, or me know of any comments you may have or receive from our customers.

Thanks for all you do.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
The University of Tennessee Institute for Public Service
Office (615) 532-4950 Cell (615) 972-9219

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