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10/30/2001 Executive News

Executive News

244_22.gif Melissa Ashburn and Dennis Huffer start work as legal consultants on Thursday, November 1. We're all excited.

November Staff Meetings - We will have our November staff meetings almost as planned.
JACKSON - 9:30 Tuesday, November 13. Mike will conduct this meeting in my stead.
NASHVILLE - 9:30 Wednesday, November 14.
KNOXVILLE - 9:30 Friday, November 16. This is a new day (instead of November 15).

Calendar Items - You may not have started filling in your 2002 calendar yet, but when you do, here are some dates to mark. We'll set the specific times for the APR interviews in January. And, you'll note that staff meetings will be quarterly instead of monthly (theoretically).

ecblank.gif Jackson Nashville Knoxville
Annual Performance Review Interviews January 28 January 29 & 30 January 22 - 25
Staff meetings February 12
May 14
August 13
November 12
February 13
May 15
August 14
November 13
February 14
May 16
August 15
November 14

Personnel - We interviewed two more applicants for the Knoxville management consultant opening on Friday. We have made a selection and sent the paperwork forward. I'll have more information on our selection if all the paperwork is approved.

Mayor Frank Diggs - All of us mourn the passing last week of Mayor Frank Diggs of Clinton. In addition to serving his city and the TML board of directors, he was a long time member of the MTAS east advisory committee. We will miss his help and support.

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