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10/29/2018 Executive News

Executive News

Greetings MTAS,

Welcome to another week of doing excellent things for our customers. I’m happy to report that your leadership team spent two days last week focusing on ways MTAS can accomplish its vision of TN municipalities being a national model of good governance. You are an integral part of that because if you do excellent work, MTAS helps TN cities set the bar for all others. We are in the initial stages, but intend to have a plan put together and ready for distribution in the next month or so. Here is a group photo from Friday as we concluded on the second day:


I’d like to share another photo with you, one from Kurt’s retirement party. Yes, I know it was longer ago than last week, but I had download problems that I was able to resolve today. So, here you go. If you look closely, you’ll see a photo of a much younger Kurt on the monitor. I hope that I age as well as Kurt has. Elisha and her helpers did a tremendous job in honoring Kurt. Thanks for your work on making the event special – you succeeded! All of the photos from the reception are on the “M” drive under the “photos” folder, then under “Retirement – Kurt Frederick 10-5-18.”


To continue with the week in review, I want to share with you that MTAS is representing well in the campus chest campaign. In today’s IPS Catchup, it was reported that MTAS has achieved an 83% participation rate and exceeded our dollar threshold goal. Way to go MTAS! I’d still like us to have bragging rights with 100% though… you still have until Friday to help your charity of choice. Please consider giving to a nonprofit – it’s your choice of the agency and the amount, but please help out those less fortunate. I believe that’s part of the heart of MTAS; we look out for others. In case you are a procrastinator and haven’t gone to the link yet, here it is:

I continue to be proud of you and what you do. Not long ago I received a letter from a faculty member raving about the job that Steve C. did for a graduate-level risk and emergency management class. The professor said in part: “[Steve’s] engaging, interactive teaching style, as well as his enthusiasm for the subject matter, greatly inspired the class. He patiently and nimbly fielded questions, all the time extolling the virtues of public service. When he departed, the students, many of whom are working professionals, were abuzz with excitement.” Great work getting the next generation fired up about public service Steve! Also, for those that serve our internal customers, don’t think your hard work goes unnoticed. Every time I hear a compliment about your work, I pass that along to your supervisor. The great thing is, I hear lots of kudos.

Thanks to you all for making this such a meaningful place to work. I truly enjoy working with you, and together making a difference in this state. Hey, speaking of, don’t forget to vote! Early voting ends this Thursday and election day is November 6.

I hope you have a terrific week in front of you, including a very happy Halloween! May you have all treats and no tricks. 7DC2.gif


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