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10/27/1994 Executive News

Executive News

October 27, 1994

* Five Year Plan - Here's a copy of the overheads Tom Ballard used as part of his presentation at the IPS annual conference.

*City Manager's Mail Box - A couple of months ago, we asked Dianne Anderson, secretary to Gary Hensley, city manager of Maryville to keep track of all his incoming mail for us. I reviewed this at the MTAS meeting just before the IPS retreat. What I've learned from looking at the enclosed graph, is that all of the material we send is in competition with an enormous amount of other material. Not all of our customers have time to read everything we send. So, what we send really has to be good.

*ADA - The University has asked IPS to prepare an ADA plan. Rick Stokes has agreed to be our representative on the committee. Meanwhile, please look at the enclosed ADA Accommodation Complaint Datasheet. If any customer ever has a complaint covered under ADA, please complete the form and forward it to me. Thanks.

Library Staff Change - I got this note in plenty of time for the last Staff Update, but managed to lose it electronically. We have a new student in the library and Barbara Pollard reports:" New Library Student Assistant (Publication Distribution) Goodbye Emily! Good luck with your studies in France!!!

Say hello to Michael Fink the new library student assistant who is taking Emily Wren's place. Michael is a graduate from Brigham Young University. He has a BA in English and a minor in communications. He's married and enjoys playing the guitar, reading, jogging, camping and hiking. Welcome aboard Michael!"

State Government Relations - SharonR, Randy, and Ray joined me and Tom Ballard and representatives from all IPS agencies at a planning session Wednesday, October 26. We decided to begin to prepare for the transition in administrations in state government. We agreed to set up several committees to work on this.

I'll be on the coordinating committee; SharonR and Al will be on the environmental committee; Ray and Carol will be on the training and telecommunications committee; and Randy and Joe will be on the economic development committee. All committees will meet several times between now and the middle of January. If you have any ideas that would help us, please let me know.

More Committees - Ronnie Neill has agreed to be the MTAS representative on the IPS retreat planning committee for 1995. Email him with your suggestions.

*Help Wanted - The Carl Vinson Institute of Government at the University of Georgia is recruiting for two positions similar to what we do. Please pass these announcements along to anyone you know who may be interested.

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