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10/24/1995 Executive News

Executive News

Staff Update

Notes News - Armintha has finished updating the Tennessee Hotels List database. She reminds me that she cant personally vouch for all the rooms at all the hotels. But you can; please enter your comments as you travel. You can also add new hotels.

We have found a student, Lisa Hulen, with over two years experience programming Notes databases. She is working for JimF. She started with a travel log database to replace the E-mails and forms we send to Judy. Were testing it now and will start using it soon. With Lisas help, we are going to add two or three databases each month for a while.

Impact Assessment - We are participating in an IPS meeting next month (November 16) to discuss ways to measure the impact of our consulting services. If youre interested, please see either MikeT, MikeP, or Sharon who have copies of a draft policy.

Current Issues - MikeT has initiated the current issues discussion database. He sent all consultants an E-mail explaining how it will work. Please submit your suggestions and comments on current issues to the Notes database.

Counselor to the President - Sammie Lynn Puett appointed Carol Hewlett as a Counselor to the President. As such, she meets several times a year with President Joe Johnson. She has just had her first meeting and represented us well.

Power Outage - The Knoxville MTAS office will be CLOSED on Wednesday, November 22, the day before Thanksgiving. Its an emergency administrative closing because the power will be off so KUB can change a transformer. They are going to work all the Thanksgiving holiday and weekend and should have us back in service by Monday. We cant work in this building without heat and light. This time, at least, we know in advance.

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