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10/20/2015 Executive News

Executive News

Last week’s meeting with Jeff Maples, the Sr. Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration at UTK, and UTPD Deputy Chief Lambert provided us with a number of “take-aways” for security and safety, both with our move to the new building and in life in general.

We had a number of good questions and comments, and Chief Lambert has provided the following:

1. If we provide the times when most of the staff arrive and leave, UTPD will ask the patrol officers to make checks around those times.
2. The money deposits/deliveries need to be coordinated through the UTPD Capital Escorts staff who are already doing deposits for staff. If there are issues to be resolved Chief Lambert can work with the division commander for that service.
3. Mr. Maples will be talking to Facilities regarding trimming the shrubs around the buildings and parking lots.
4. Chief Lambert encourages all staff to not hesitate in contacting UT Police for any suspicious activity or if they want an escort to their vehicles afterhours.
5. There may be other needs that arise after we get settled into the buildings, and they will continue to work with us.

We talked about flyers and information on security and safety, and the Chief has provided the personal safety and theft prevention tips attached with this message.

Thank you,


Steven T. Thompson, Assistant Vice President
865-974-9609 Telephone
239-963-6738 Cell/Text

theft prevention.pdf
theft prevention.pdf

Personal Safety handbill.pdf
Personal Safety handbill.pdf

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