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10/20/2008 Executive News

Executive News

Professional Development - Just a reminder that if you haven’t completed forms for all of your professional development you need to do so in order for it to be counted by University HR. Within the database if you open an entry you are able to complete all pertinent information on that entry i.e. instructors, etc.. Once you complete that information, you need to hit the printable form button, which will then allow you to print the form. Once printed, please sign and forward to me. You do not need to do this for IPS related professional development, including the IPS Conference or for MTAS related professional development, such as computer training. All of that information is submitted for all participants at one time.

Publications – Please be mindful of the publications that are your responsibility and the due dates for review or development that you committed to during your APR. It is always our goal to annually review and update, if needed, every publication on our website.

Project Reporting – We are within two months of the end of the calendar year. Be sure that you are caught up on your project reporting. Also remember that your administrative files for MTAS-Administration, MTAS-Professional Development, MTAS-Assistance to Others, IPS-Administration and your project file for TML-Administration are to be closed at the end of the calendar year and re-opened in January.

Economic Impact - A reminder to be conscientious when closing out projects and make every effort to identify economic impact whether it is implemented or not. If it is implemented, it will be immediately reported. If it is not, then we will need to follow up to determine if it was ever implemented. Important point, if a project is closed with recommended economic impact and later you determine it was implemented, PLEASE OPEN A NEW PROJECT, RECORD THE IMPACT AND EXPLAIN, WITH THE PROJECT SUMMARY, THE RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORIGINAL PROJECT---DO NOT GO BACK TO THE OLD PROJECT AND ENTER THE DATA--

Agency Picture – Attached is our agency picture for 2008. [Photo was moved to \share folder. -LS] I was not aware of a problem with the sun until we received the photo. We will do better in 2009.



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