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10/16/2017 Executive News

Executive News

Hello MTASers:

Happy Monday to you. I hope you have a lot of wonderful things to look forward to this week.

Last week I spent a majority of my time with the IPS leadership team at a UT facility called Lone Oaks. It was a great location and I came away with a lot of ideas and renewed information. There is a spirit of comradery and willingness to work together to achieve the IPS mission. I am really pleased to be working with such a great team.

Please remember that the Campus Chest campaign ends November 3. I will stop reminding you when we reach our goals. You can designate the source to receive your contribution, and it’s tax deductible. As the cliché goes, it’s a win-win. If you are one of the 70% who has already made a pledge, THANK YOU! As of last Friday, here is where we stand:

ecblank.gif Total Total Participation ecblank.gif ecblank.gif %
Agency Staff Contributors Rate Goal Raised Goal
MTAS 46 32 70% $9,131 $8,342 91%

One more thing before I sign off. Today is National Boss’s Day. Some may call this a Hallmark holiday, but regardless, thanks to all who provide strength and leadership that move this agency forward. In the organizational chart, you may not have a direct report, but you provide strength and leadership that moves us ahead. I recognize that and appreciate you and your accomplishments.

I hope you have a super week ahead and do great work that serves to “improve the lives of Tennesseans.”

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