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10/15/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Monday Afternoon MTAS,

Welcome to another week of doing things to improve the lives of Tennesseans. I particularly liked Chris Shults’ article in the IPS update (the Catchup) this morning. He talked about doing the small things well and then, collectively, you have a big picture of excellence. He said it far better than I can: “If we all do our little things well, together we can achieve perfection and set a standard of excellence. Excellence in service. Excellence in the businesses and governments we serve. And excellence in the lives of Tennesseans.“

Last week the MTAS leadership team met for two days and continued the work that you helped us with at the MTAS retreat. I’ll give you a separate email on those specifics later; but I wanted you to know that we listened and are basing decisions upon your input.

Also, when I attended a couple of team meetings two weeks ago, it was suggested that I share with you the names of the search committee members. Again, I heard you. Below are the teams that have been approved for current searches. Here forward, once a search committee is approved, I will share the names with you as we go.

W TN Training Consultant
1. Abb Oglesby, chair
2. Fonda Fouche, City of Memphis
3. Christine Anderson
4. Sarah Curtis
5. Rick Whitehead

M TN Training Consultant
1. Abb Oglesby, chair
2. Cyndy Edmonds
3. Michelle Terry
4. Jon Walden
5. Tim Ellis, City of Goodlettsville

Municipal Finance Training Consultant
1. Rick Whitehead, chair
2. Abb Oglesby
3. Talia Lomax-O’dneal, Nashville Finance Director
4. Michelle Buckner
5. Kay Stegall

W Police Management Consultant
1. Sharon Rollins, chair
2. Rex Barton
3. George Dalton
4. Steve Isbell, Dyersburg Police Chief
5. Kim Wallace, Dover Police Chief

Staying on an HR theme just a bit longer, I wanted you to know that we are exploring hiring a temp to assist during the gap in hiring for Kurt’s position; and while Honna plans to be out for a couple of months, Mike Tallent will be filling in from the Knoxville office.

Please don’t forget the Campus Chest campaign. We have made it through five of the eight weeks. I’m quite pleased to tell you that we are edging ever closer to our goal of 100% participation. I was told that at the end of last week, we stand at a participation rate of 73%. 38 out of 52 have taken the time to make a difference in a charity (or charities) of their choice. Since we’re not fully staffed, we’re only missing a few of you. Please, don’t let this slip past you. Here’s the link in case you need it:
. I understand that those who have said “I’ll get to it later” will get a friendly reminder today from IPS.

Now for some fun stuff. First, huge congratulations go to Richard Stokes for being honored by IPMA with the 2018 Honorary Life Membership at the annual conference held at the end of September in Phoenix. The plaque he is holding reads: “IPMA-HR takes great pleasure in presenting to Richard Stokes, IPMA-SCP 2018 Honorary Life Membership. Recognizing outstanding contributions to the association and to the public human resources profession.”

The IPMA website goes further with a description of the award: “IPMA-HR Honorary Life Memberships

are awarded to up to two members per year ‘who have rendered distinguished service in advancing or upholding the purposes of this organization,’ as stated in IPMA-HR’s bylaws. Members who have held office or who have made significant contributions to IPMA-HR at the national, regional or chapter levels, or who have accomplished distinguished authorship or research or other professional achievements may be selected to receive an IPMA-HR Honorary Life Membership.” Congratulations Richard! We are very proud of you and your accomplishments.


More fun stuff - to the right is a vacation photo shared by John Chlarson. This is the background information he shared with me:

This is the United States National Memorial Arch, located in Valley Forge National Historical Park, Chester County, Pennsylvania, built to celebrate the arrival of General George Washington and the Continental Army at Valley Forge. Jenny and our grandson Joe and I were there with our son and his wife (Jonathan and Katie) in August when we helped them move.

Continuing with celebrations and good times, please join me in honoring Elisha, who had a work anniversary on the sixth. Happy Anniversary Elisha!

Well, that wraps up another edition of the Mustard. I hope you feel more informed. I leave you this week with a quote from Henry Stanley Haskins, author and stockbroker: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

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