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10/13/1997 Executive News

Executive News

Incorporation List - Our staff discussion database now lists 38 prospective cities. Some of these cities will never happen, but others will. Please review the prospective cities you are familiar with and update the database to let us know if the election has been scheduled and what the result is when it happens. Thanks.

Incorporation Assistance - It looks like the court battles to declare Public Chapter 98 invalid have failed. We need to return to our previous policy of providing some assistance to prospective cities. Please review the Staff Update of July 11, 1997 and follow that policy. Please let me know if you have any questions. Carol Hewlett is preparing a standard packet of information that can be mailed in response to inquiries. Carole Graves is working on the final edit of a publication covering what to do both before and after incorporation that Pat Hardy has just finished. Having these additional printed resources will help, but I know that our work load will increase even if none of these elections are successful.

Campus Chest - Please remember to send your completed campus chest form to Ann Lowe by Friday.

MTAS Retreat - In a fit of advance planning, Sally and I have scheduled the MTAS retreat for April 1, 2, and 3, 1998. We will meet in the Wonderland Hotel in Wears Valley on Highway 321 between Gatlinburg and Townsend. We are meeting closer to Knoxville this year so that members of the support staff can join us for part of the retreat. We will be the only guests of the hotel for the retreat.

Diversity Study - With the help of the management consultants and a lot of phone calls by Heather, Roman, Laure, and Carol, we have completed the request from the TML Board of Directors to determine the ethnic and sexual make up of municipal elected officials. The Board wants to more closely represent its constituency.

The numbers for female elected officials are: 297 out of 2,032. (14.6%)

The ethnic identities for elected officials are:
African American - 112 of 2,032 (5.5%)
Native American - 1 of 2,032 (.05%)
Hispanic - 1 of 2,032 (.05%)
Asian American - 0 of 2,032 (0%)

These numbers are approximate since there have been a few changes in elected officials that have not been entered into our database and there are also several cities we could not reach.

The TML Board plans to propose to the membership at the June convention to increase the size of the TML board by one or two members and to increase its representation of women and minorities.

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