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10/11/2005 Executive News

Executive News

Business Manager - We've completed the interviews and most of the paperwork. Shara Galloway will join MTAS as business manager beginning Monday, October 24. Shara comes to us from the UT Medical Center where she was business manager for the radiology departments. Prior to that she worked for the Controller's Office in the Medical Center. Laura Smith has agreed to work a couple of weeks after Shara starts to help her become familiar with our accounting system.

Customer Satisfaction Survey - You'll remember that early this year the UT Social Science Research Institute conducted a customer satisfaction survey for all IPS agencies. We've had the results since June, but I forgot to distribute them. Here is the report.
Customer survey 2005 summary.doc
Customer survey 2005 summary.doc

Several of our indicators have dropped in the last survey. We've set some goals to get the numbers back up. None of us directly affect any of the survey numbers, but all of us together do. Please pay particular attention to "timeliness of response." This may be as much a matter of perception as anything else. It's important to let city officials know in advance how long a particular project or question will take and then meet or beat your original estimate. We will be working on several other ways to improve the survey results over the next year, but I wanted to give you a heads up as we start.

And, if you have any suggestions concerning the survey, please let me know. Thanks.


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