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10/11/1994 Executive News

Executive News

October 11, 1994

* Telephone Surveys and Calendars - We've enclosed the latest telephone surveys and the event calendar prepared by the library.

IPS Annual Conference - Rick has served as the MTAS representative on the IPS conference planning committee for two years. He's done a great job, but no one deserves to be on any committee three years in a row. Would you like to volunteer to serve for 1995? Let me know.

*All-America City Awards - It's never too early. The deadline for the All-America City Awards is April 19, 1995. We've enclosed information on how cities can get the application.

Staff Exchange - Last month during the ICMA conference in Chicago, Randy, Pat, and I met with the director and two staff members of the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) in Seattle, Washington. This is the same organization that Carol and I visited last year. During our meeting in Chicago, we discovered that MRSC is trying to be more like MTAS and MTAS is trying to be more like MRSC. That is, they are thinking about doing more field work and we are improving our computer system so we can better respond to questions from cities.

Since we have so much to learn from each other, we thought we would try a staff exchange. We'll send one MTAS consultant (Randy) to MRSC for a week and they will send one MRSC consultant to MTAS for a week. We are going to try to do it this Fall. Unfortunately, that's the rainy season in Seattle, but then they have a very long rainy season. If this works well, next year we'll pick two more consultants and do it again.

Old Project Tracking - Please remember that whenever you close a project, you need go back to the project description to include a comment about the RESULTS of the project.

New Project Reporting - As we mentioned at the retreat in Gatlinburg, we are going to change the name of project tracking to project reporting as part of the new Notes record keeping system. You need to go through the list of lookup keywords - projects only that JimF distributed during the retreat. Please send him any suggestions you have for additions. This is not your only chance to change it; it's your first. Thanks.

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