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10/03/2017 Executive News

Executive News


Hello MTASers:

Okay, for those who are paying attention: I’m not cutting the mustard – well, maybe just slow in getting the updates out to you. Over the last three weeks I have attended the TCMA fall conference, attended my first MTAS management team meeting, attended my second IPS leadership team meeting, and participated in the Center for Creative Leadership’s program called “Leading Organizational Impact” in Greensboro, NC. What an amazing ride.

Speaking of rides, here’s a quote from Thelma and Louise that happened to air over the weekend:

Thelma Dickinson: Louise, no matter what happens, I'm glad I came with you.

Thelma said this to Louise in the last five minutes of the movie. While I hope I’m not in my last five minutes; I am “glad I came with you.”

What else might you want to know about? We have a lot of celebrating to do. We’ve had several birthdays in the last month (actually even more since Jim retired at the end of June). Much belated happy birthdays to:
Kurt (July 14)
Brad (July 20)
Elisha (July 27)
Chris (July 28)
Alana (August 3)
Richard (August 8)
Steve C. (September 5)
Warren (September 19)
Abb (September 22)
Lisa (September 23)
Kelley (September 23)

And, a recent happy birthday to Brett whose birthday was this past Sunday.

In keeping with the celebrations, there have been a few service anniversaries since Jim left too. Thanks and congratulations go to:
Alana (July 11) – belated happy one year!!
Justin (August 1)
Dennis (August 1)
Steve W. (September 1)
Gary (September 1)
Kurt (September 1)
Chris (September 2)
Nancy (September 5)
Frances (October 1)

Other news: registrations must now be paid by the individual attendee or be paid by purchasing cards – see Armintha or Michelle T. for assistance with P-card registrations.

Here are the reminders (in case you need them).
Securing the Human (computer security training) – the deadline is the end of the month .
HR 128 forms – there are changes with K@te, but we’re going to continue using the method that we’ve always had. Print your form in Notes and then Sherri will enter your data into the system for you. Thanks Sherri!
Insurance renewal is going on right now. There are a lot of changes to the plans, so please review the materials sent to you and choose wisely for your situation.
Campus Chest campaign is ongoing this month. Thanks to all who have already completed their online pledge cards. As of Monday, below are our stats regarding the campaign. I’d really love to be able to say that MTAS met its goal AND had 100% participation. Will you please consider helping me with those bragging rights?

ecblank.gif Total Total Participation ecblank.gif ecblank.gif %
Agency Staff Contributors Rate Goal Raised Goal
MTAS 46 25 54% $9,131 $6,162 67%

I hope you have a terrific week ahead.

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