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09/25/1999 Executive News

Executive News

Information Resources Manager - We have selected Frances Adams-O’Brien to be our Information Resources Manager beginning October 1, 1999. Frances will manage the library, the answer line, our web site, and will help organize the information in our Notes databases. She has a MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a BA in Sociology and Psychology from Warren Wilson College in Swannanoa, North Carolina. She previously was Technical Service Librarian with the Ringling School of Art and Cataloger/Assistant Department Head, Technical Services with the Sarasota County Libraries.

Frances will spend her first several weeks learning the library and meeting everyone. Please make her welcome.

TML Board Meeting - The TML Board had its Fall meeting Friday and Saturday. Here are some actions of interest.
  • Mayor Jerry Sharber of Franklin was selected by the Board as First Vice-President replacing former Vice-Mayor Jay West of Nashville who was unsuccessful in his bid for Mayor.
  • Mayor John Piper of Clarksville was selected by the Board to take Mayor Sharber's place as the at-large board member from middle Tennessee.
  • Dr. Wade Gilley, President of UT, addressed the Board and thanked them for their support over the years. He also mentioned the University's and the State's funding difficulties.
  • State Comptroller John Morgan made a presentation to the Board about the state's budget problems. He suggested that Tennessee has a structural deficit. Our sources of revenue do not grow as fast as our needs. (I have a copy of his 35 page PowerPoint presentation if you're interested.)
  • The Board passed a Resolution thanking Randy Williams for his year of service with TML. I'm sending everyone a copy.
  • Richard Stokes presented the first draft of personnel policies for the TML staff. The Board will consider his recommendations and vote on the policies at its February 2000 meeting.
  • Suzette Denslow brought the Board up to date on the implementation of the Strategic Plan. I'm sending everyone a copy of her outline report.
  • Sally Thierbach presented the recommendations of a joint TML staff and MTAS committee on the TML policy committee process. The Board made a minor change and then adopted it. As soon as we get the revised copies, we will send them to everyone.
  • Sally did double duty at the meeting by also presenting recommendations to the Board for a policy on selecting the annual conference site. The Board will review this and vote on it at its February 2000 meeting. After the Board meeting Sally participated in the first meeting of a new TML conference planning committee. So, if you have any ideas for the TML conference, please let Sally know.

    As evidenced by Sally's and Rick's participation, MTAS is doing more work with TML these days and we're well appreciated. Both of their presentations were well done and well received by the Board.

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