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09/24/2014 Executive News

Executive News

Update #12:

This note serves as the bi-weekly update on the work associated with the move of IPS offices to the new building at 1610 University Avenue, in Knoxville. The committee discussions are captured in the SharePoint site at

There are continuing improvements and changes in the project as we move forward, and in brief:

We are working with UT Utilities Services and the architect to finalize the plans for changes to the new building. We met with the UT project manager this week to provide additional information on a few issues:
o Security cameras. In response to questions the staff noted that installation of the new security cameras will be included in the building specifications and bid with the project. The drawings and specifications are almost complete, pending additional information on engineering questions.
o Timetable. The project plans do need to be approved by the State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO), and this review is underway. The schedule may be sliding by a week or more, but with adjustments to the schedule project completion should still be by February of 2015. We’ll have better estimates after the bids are submitted in November.
o Budget. We discussed the budget/project estimates, and the staff noted that the present budget agreed to by IPS and UTK is all-inclusive and should be adequate for the project. They noted that additional electronics and wiring requested by IPS may be at the expense of IPS.
o OIT. Scott discussed coordination with OIT, and agreed that OIT will need to be involved with the successful contractor. The team also discussed the need to continue with the installation of broadband access and the fiber optics extension from the UTK campus, and noted that AT&T will provide connectivity until the fiber is complete.
o Window Dressings. The team also discussed the need for additional blinds and curtains, and agreed that additional window treatments – beyond repair and replacement of existing blinds – will depend on the budget and timing of the installation.
o Plan review. The staff noted that IPS will have another opportunity for review of the plans before the project is bid. We noted that when we have everything ready – the near-final plans, colors, carpets, and everything – that Herb and Jim will need a final briefing to approve it all. We have asked that all teams prepare recommendations for this presentation.
o Library shelving. Staff noted that SFMO is concerned about the installation of the library shelving on the first floor, and the architect is working with the SFMO to resolve this. If the shelves cannot be placed as planned the architect will return to IPS with recommendations.

Selection of Colors. Susan, Jill Marling and Stephanie Allen have agreed to serve as a subcommittee of the planning team to develop a selection of colors and carpets for the new building. Rick noted that the planning team has reviewed and recommends the selections. Susan noted that some of the selections are still under review.

Team Reports.

IT Team. Scott summarized display systems in the conference and training rooms, and noted that the IT team is working to coordinate systems to allow coordinated broadcasts to IPS offices across Tennessee. Scott also noted that at present everyone will be keeping landlines, probably including present telephone numbers.

Library Team. Frances noted that they will be considering alternatives if the shelving system cannot be moved.

The next meeting of the Project Management Team is scheduled for October 6 at 10 am.

The members of the project planning teams include the following, and please do contact me or the members of the teams if you have questions or need further information:

Team Lead
Central Office
Team Assignments
Planning Rick Whitehead Susan Robertson Stephanie Allen Renovations/space assignment
Steve Thompson Macel Ely Painting/carpet
Beth Phillips Doug Brown Furniture
Jill Marling
Logistics Judie Martin Gary Peevely Nancy Gibson Parking/signage
Walter Idol P. J. Snodgrass Mail/ID cards
Jane Davis Brett Ward Packing/Moving
Business office Gail White Thaddeus Grace Sherri Brown Files
Dale Wolfe ecblank.gif
IT Scott Gordy N/A Justin O'Hara IT, telephones, equipment, security
Library Frances Adams-O'Brien N/A Becky Smeltzer MTAS library relocation

Thank you for your service to the university and the state of Tennessee, and I do look forward to a successful move.


Steven T. Thompson
Assistant Vice President
UT Institute for Public Service
105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213
865-974-9609 Telephone
239-963-6738 Cell

Document Author