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09/23/2002 Executive News

Executive News

Flora Williams - Flora has been answering the phone and taking care of the consultants in the MTAS Nashville office for 30 years. THIRTY YEARS - think about that! She will retire next Monday, September 30. It's going to be strange for all of us to call Nashville and not get Flora on the phone. If you are not able to make Flora's good bye lunch Thursday, please call her some time this last week. I know we'll all miss her.

Gone but not forgotten - Here's a picture of Roy Eckert snapped by Brenda as he was on his way to Alaska last week.
Please note he's well equipped for the weather!

Travel - We are still enforcing our limited out of state travel. I know it's tough to miss some of your professional development opportunities, but it was a decision the MTAS management team and I made based on our funding. So far, the sales tax receipts for the first two months of the year are running behind budget, so I think we made the right decision.

West Virginia - Last week we had four visitors from the National Environmental Services Center at the University of West Virginia. Thanks to Sharon, Brett, Bill, and Steve for being excellent hosts. The National Environmental Services Center includes four separate organizations: the National Small Flows Clearinghouse, the National Drinking Water Clearinghouse, the National Onsite Demonstration Program, and the National Environmental Training Center for Small Communities.

UT -MTAS -Sometimes I receive articles about MTAS that appear in the local paper. Recently I received two. One referred to consultants with the "Municipal Technical Advisory Service" and one referred to the "Municipal Technical Advisory Service, which is associated with the University of Tennessee." Now, I know we don't write the articles, but we need to do what we can to make sure that the local governing body, any reporters present, and for that matter anyone we deal with knows that MTAS is an integral part of the University of Tennessee. That's why we answer the phone as UT-MTAS or University of Tennessee-MTAS. We need to make sure everyone knows where we're coming from. Thanks.

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