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09/18/1996 Executive News

Executive News

Rotary Speech - Kirk recently was drafted as the speaker for a Rotary Club meeting. He reports: “I was invited by Cumberland City Mayor H. Ryan Holley to speak to the weekly meeting of the Houston County Rotary on July 27, 1996. I gave a 20 min. speech to about 40 people. The speech consisted of some basic background information about MTAS, (I.E. who we are, how we are funded, how we fit in the UT system, staffing levels, service areas, etc.) and a discussion of the types of projects we do and how our efforts to assist cities directly benefit the individual citizens and businesses in those cities. The speech seemed to be well received, but you can never really tell about the Rotary. At least I didn't have to sing any Rotary songs.”

It wasn't Kirk’s idea to do the speech or the Staff Update, but I thought you would be interested.

IPS Annual Conference - Here are several things you need to know about the annual conference. The MTAS dinner is Tuesday night at 6:30. We are inviting all the retired MTASers who are arriving early. We have a lot coming (Vic Hobday, Frank Kirk, A.C. Lock, Ed Meisenhelder, Odell Miner, C.L. Overman, Don Ownby, Gene Puett, Gary Head, Garland Musick, Inslee Burnett, and Mary Ricker). The list includes three former directors.

Dress - This comes from Mary Taylor: “As always, the conference is a casual event. However, this year's 25th anniversary celebration causes us to invite ‘dignitaries’ that might not otherwise join us. These folks include our former Vice Presidents and former Executive Directors, as well as current Association Directors, Dr. Johnson, and a few other miscellaneous individuals. As a result, we feel the dinner event should be slightly more formal than in the past. Sammie Lynn referred to it as "dressy casual", that means a coat for the gentlemen.”

So, gentlemen, please bring a coat and a tie and ladies, please bring something that fits the “dressy casual” motif. Plan to change late Wednesday afternoon because we are scheduled by IPS for an agency picture of all exempt staff at 6:20 PM. This is just before dinner, but no picture no food!

We were asked to put up a booth during the annual conference. So, Carole Graves is doing one using half of the booth we jointly own with CTAS. Ours will feature some of the photos from A.C. Locks’s enormous collection.

TML Conference - The TML Board of Directors met Friday, September 7. They asked MTAS to conduct a survey about the TML annual conference. I’ve asked Pat Hardy to take this project. We’re starting with a short directed interview with all the members of the TML Board. I will assign the interviews to the regional managers and the management consultants. I’ve also suggested to them that they should ask other consultants for help with these interviews so we can start the project quickly. Please help when you can.

MTAS advisory committee - The MTAS advisory committee subcommittee meeting on August 27 and 28 was very helpful. I've put a copy of the report to them in the database (and am cleaning up some of the old stuff, so it's easier to maneuver). The management team is working on a follow up report with specific suggestions for increased services based on their suggestions. We will put a rough draft of that report in the current issues discussion database soon.

CD-ROM - We are almost finished with this. If your part isn't quite done yet, please remember we have an October 1, 1996 deadline. Thanks.

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