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09/17/2001 Executive News

Executive News

Please remember we have staff meetings scheduled this week - Tuesday in Jackson, Wednesday in Nashville, and Thursday in Knoxville. All the meetings start at 9:30 AM.

Agenda for the staff meetings

1. We will discuss the events of September 11 and their effect on us, our families, our friends, and cities. Have you heard of anything special that any city did in response?
2. The MTAS advisory committees are meeting this week and we’ll review that agenda. (see below)
3. Budget reallocation - I don’t know much more, but while we’re all in the room together, we’ll talk about the budgetary challenges we face.
4. Legislative contacts - Do we have any personal contacts to add to the current list? (see below)
5. Group picture - We cancelled our group picture during the IPS retreat. I’m going to bring an electronic camera to the meeting and we’ll try to assemble our group picture by putting the three together.

New Hire - Mark Dudek will start with MTAS on Monday, October 8. He's our new systems analyst in Knoxville. I know Lisa is glad we are finished with this hiring process. It took longer than normal. Mark is currently with PerfectServe in Knoxville as network administrator. He has a BA in Communications from Penn State University. He will work in the Knoxville office assisting Lisa in making sure that all our hardware and software statewide works to help us help cities.

Agenda Sept 2001.doc
Agenda Sept 2001.doc
Advisory committee agenda
Summary of all the IPS legislative personal contacts

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