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09/16/2016 Executive News

Executive News

· Good (early) morning, fellow MTASers, from the Clyde Austin 4-H Center near Greeneville, Tennessee. A beautiful place owned by UT…with a really nice and functional conference center. If you’re ever near it, take the opportunity to visit. A bunch of good work being done UT for Tennessee’s youth here.

· So, Jim, what are you doing in Greeneville? Well, Lisa, Chris, Rick and I have spent Wednesday and yesterday…and will spend today…with a bunch of other IPSers continuing the work of designing the IPS strategic plan. REMEMBER THE POST-IT-NOTES! The discussions have been intense and many times, lively. The hours long…but the work has been productive. I’m impressed with the intensity and passion that members of the steering committee are investing in this important project. There’s more to do, but it’s great to see a vision for the future developing. Stay tuned for more.

· The cruel hand of cancer has touched the MTAS family since we wished Becky and Harvey only good things last week. Becky, we can’t feel your grief like you do right now but we will do our best to boost you up. Only are best thoughts and prayers continue for you.

· Next Wednesday, Rick and I will join several other IPSers in Nashville as work on designing a real, live, functional development plan for IPS continues. Work towards this plan has been ongoing over the past year and next week some really smart people will help us better understand how to “Make the Ask”. One of many themes coming out of the strategic plan listening sessions is that our stakeholders and we employees screamed that diversifying our funding is an absolute “must”. We sort of new that before hearing from others and the development plan will be a critical piece in implementing the strategy of improving our funding model.

· Man alive! We sure do make up some ground on our birthdays this coming week. Starting off with Warren on Monday, the 19 th . Moving on to Tuesday, the 20 th , with Dale. Wednesday, the 21 st , is blessed to have Doug celebrating his special day. Abb is the lucky guy on Thursday, the 22 nd . Lisa and Kelley close out the week on Friday, the 23 rd . Happiest of days to each of you! It amazes me that each of you will be celebrating your 39 th birthdays. Incredible!

· Lastly, remember a few things…
o What each of you do every day for our customers and each other is recognized and appreciated. Really! It is!
o “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
o President Gerald Ford once opined about his golf game, “I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators”. I’ve wondered hard for a long time as to what a reasonable performance measurement might be that helps me understand where I am with my golf game. With all due respect, Mr. President, I never would have thought of that one.

· Relax. Take a breath. Enjoy a comfortable weekend.

Jim Thomas, Executive Director
(O) 615. 532.4950 (C) 615.972.9219


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