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09/15/1997 Executive News

Executive News

Legislative changes - TML has asked for our input for legislation for the 1998 Legislative session. Their deadline for this input is September 18. Our internal deadline was to get your suggestions to MikeT by Sept. 5. If you haven't done it yet, today's the day. Thanks.

Part time consultants - Please remember to send me the names for prospective part time consultants. We would like to start using them soon.

New Employee - (sort of) - Ann O’Connell has accepted the position of Publications Specialist. That is what the UT Human Resources Department called our Notes database specialist position. She has worked for us part time from the temporary help pool for awhile concentrating on the Notes databases and a EPA project. Here is part of the description for her new job.

"Create and maintain various Notes databases. Ensure that the content is up to date and properly organized. Review entries made by MTAS staff to ensure that they are properly categorized and that only the most current and relevant work is retained in the database. Use databases to format and prepare various reports for the use of MTAS management, IPS, and the University. Help determine the need for and then help design new databases. Assist MTAS consultants and city officials with questions about how to use the databases. Help users locate needed information either in databases or by referral to another source."

In brief, AnnO is responsible for the database content.

Knoxville Phone System - We have installed a new telephone system in the Knoxville office. We are all getting used to voice mail. (I know those of you in Nashville have been using voice mail for years.) We will have a list of numbers and a set of procedures distributed to everyone soon.

Another new employee - You may have already noticed that we have a new Senior Secretary at the front desk in Knoxville. She is Laura Irvin who is a recent UT political science graduate.

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