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09/13/2004 Executive News

Executive News

The times they are a changing – or are they?

In a nutshell, here's what's happening. Sharon and Ray Rollins have decided to move to the Johnson City area. This will happen over the next two months and I wanted to let you know before someone calls me in a panic to say Sharon's office is empty. Since MTAS is a statewide organization and since we have an office in Johnson City, it turns out to be pretty easy to arrange for office space for Sharon in Johnson City. But since Sharon has about a dozen jobs at MTAS it's a little complicated to make the changes in all her jobs. And, I gave up trying to decide who to tell first, so I'm using an email. If you want to talk about this, please call me or catch me during the IPS retreat. Here are the details:

Technical Consultants - Sharon will continue to manage the seven technical consultants (Steve, John, Ray, Richard, Rex, Bill and Brett). Much of their discussions are on the phone or in conference calls.

Public Works Consulting – Sharon and John will continue to split the state. It's likely that Sharon will spend more time with publics works projects in upper East and East Tennessee with John spending more time on the east side of the river stretching into parts of Middle Tennessee.

Training Team – Our training program continues to be successful and continues to grow. For the immediate future, I'm asking Mike and Sharon to jointly provide leadership to the training consultants (Sally, Jim, and Kurt). Again, they will use regularly scheduled conference calls, one-on-one telephone calls, and emails. Sharon will have the longest drive to their team meetings.

Training Support Staff – Mike will be responsible for support staff supervision. This group will also need to communicate and collaborate with Jessica and Brenda.

Training Manager - With the additional responsibilities coming our way for the training of municipal court clerks along with the overall increase in our training program, we are preparing to create the position for, recruit, and hire a training manager. Like all other MTAS management positions, this position will be a working manager and will have direct training duties in addition to management duties. The training manager will assume managerial responsibilities from Mike and Sharon.

Office Manager – Margaret will assume the Nashville office manager responsibilities from Sharon.

Management Team – Sharon will continue as a member of the MTAS management team. We meet every Monday in a conference call and every now and then in person. Sharon has been driving to Knoxville for these meetings and she still will, just from another direction.

As I said at the top of the email, let me know if you have any questions.

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