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09/10/2001 Executive News

Executive News

Group Picture - Remember, we are meeting at 11:10 Tuesday morning for a staff photo. We'll meet in the lobby of the Hyatt near the IPS registration desk. Look for Carole and her camera. And, to the West and Middle Tennessee staff who will read this after we have taken the picture, I hope you were smiling.

Personnel - We have completed the paperwork and scheduled our selection for Systems Analyst in Knoxville for the interview with Tom Ballard for Monday, September 17. We will know a start date after that official interview.

Legal Consultants - We conducted four interviews last Wednesday in Knoxville. One of our original five withdrew his application. We're checking references and hope to make our recommendations to IPS and Human Resources by the end of this week.

Technical Bulletins - We've received praise from several quarters about the new look for our Technical Bulletins. Congratulations to Carole for a good design job.

Budget Reallocation - We are not finished with this work. Last week, the State Department of Revenue reported that tax collections were severely less than estimates for July and August. If this trend continues, it will make our task of budget reallocation more difficult.

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