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09/07/2018 Executive News

Executive News

Greetings MTAS,

Before I head out for vacation, I wanted to share a couple of announcements with you.

First, Rick Whitehead will be transferring from the Nashville office back to the Jackson office effective October 8. As it was in the past… harken back to Mike Tallent days… Rick will be accepting consulting duties for several West TN municipalities. Therefore, we won’t be hiring a replacement for David’s position since Rick will be taking on many cities. The territory is yet to be finalized, and when it is, I’ll let you know. Thanks to Rick for agreeing to add on to his duties as assistant director.

Second, yesterday afternoon I received a letter of retirement from Kurt Frederick. Kurt began with IPS at CGT (the Center for Government Training) in 1999 and he joined team MTAS just a couple years later. His last day with us will be October 5. He’s been a wonderful part of the training team and his excellent customer service will be missed. Kurt, we wish you all the best!

Happy Friday everyone,

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