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09/07/2004 Executive News

Executive News

Recycling in Knoxville & Nashville - UT Knoxville has started a new recycling program. It's better than anything we've done by ourselves. We've placed small wastebasket size blue recycling bins at everyone's desk. The cleaning crew empties them (and sends the contents to recycling) almost daily. Now we can recycle a bunch of stuff including: computer paper, file folders, magazines and junk mail, newsprint, paperboard (that's thin cardboard), paper with staples, post it notes, index cards, and paperback books. Hardback books should go to Becky - she'll recycle them.
We are sending some of the new bins to Nashville. There, Jessica is in charge of the recycling program and she'll let you know what you can recycle. In Jackson, Martin, and Johnson City, you're on your own, but if you need some of these slick little blue bins, let Nancy know. Come to think of it though, since Dick and Pat seldom make mistakes, I doubt they have much to recycle!

Week of September 20 - Tom Looney is the new director of development (fund raising) for IPS. He previously worked with University Relations on the Knoxville campus. He's going to spend a week with each IPS agency so he has a better understanding of what we do. His week with MTAS is just after the IPS retreat. He'll be with us from September 20 - 24. I could talk to him the whole week, but I'd run out of things to say by Tuesday afternoon. I'd like Tom to spend some time with consultants in the field. Please let me know if you have something coming up during the week of September 20 where it would be convenient to have Tom join you in a city. Thanks.

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