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09/04/2018 Executive News

Executive News


Good Tuesday Afternoon MTAS,

Yes, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to tell you all about the MTAS happenings. Please stick with me as I cover the news.

First however, I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend. I certainly enjoyed the extra day off and hope you can say the same.

Okay, on to a few highlights from the weeks in review. The first of these three weeks, I met with the IPS leadership team. Some of the things we discussed included possible stories for upcoming UT Alumnus magazine issues; strategy team updates; the (then planned, now cancelled) gubernatorial debate in Knoxville; a proposal from the current Leadership Academy; and scorecard numbers. The next week I travelled with Rick Scarbrough, the new LEIC director to the MTAS offices in Martin, Memphis, Jackson and Nashville. I also met with a couple of stakeholders. Thanks to all the staff that made time to visit with me briefly while I was in town. I look forward to catching the Chattanooga and Johnson City offices in early October. The third week (last week), I met for a couple of days with our leadership team early in the week and on Thursday I gave the MTAS introduction to new IPS employees. These were three busy and productive weeks, all done with the focus of improving our impact for our customers. I’ve been getting some wonderful feedback from several sources and lots of great ideas for improvements. I am excited about the possibilities and opportunities that exist.

Amazingly, there are no work anniversaries over these three weeks to celebrate. We do have two happy birthday wishes to go to a couple of our newest team members: Angie (August 18) and Johanna (August 24). It just so happens that I planned on sharing two photos with you this week, and they are of these two ladies. Happy Birthday Angie and Johanna! As many of you know, Angie got married last month. Angie graciously shared a photo of the special occasion with us. Please join me in wishing Angie and Reggie many happy years together! The second photo is of Johanna. She visited the Johnson City office, and while there took the opportunity to stand on the state line in Bristol between Tennessee and Virginia (in the same spot that is highlighted in an insurance company commercial with an amphibian as its mascot). I understand that traffic was quite generous in allowing this photograph to be snapped.


I still have one photo to share with you from Brett’s vacation. It’s beautiful, and you’ll have to wait for the next Mustard to enjoy it. If you’d like to share a “vacay” picture, please do so. Brett’s is the last photo that I have in my file. We can all live vicariously through our team members’ adventures. Speaking of which, I leave Friday for my own vacation. I will be without internet connection most of the trip, so no Mustard next week.

Let me go back to Brett for just a moment. Did you know that he is the cover model for the newest IPS marketing piece? I am so pleased to have a MTAS person highlighted in the photo. Here is a copy of the front of the card:


The Campus Chest Campaign is about to begin. Some folks gets confused about the two fundraising campaigns that seem to come one right after the other. The one that starts next week is for groups external to the university such as United Way and other philanthropic organizations. The one at the beginning of the calendar year is our own internal/UT campaign. We are shooting for 100% participation, so please consider making a donation to a charity of your choice. More will be coming on this very soon. Armintha has once again generously agreed to serve as the MTAS coordinator for this effort. Thanks Armintha!

I’d like to end this Mustard with a story about how our agency fulfills its mission in working with Tennessee municipalities to improve the lives of those they serve. I received an email from a city attorney in West TN talking about how four MTAS staffers have consistently and continually helped him and communities he represents. His exact words were: “We would be in a much bigger predicament if it weren’t for them.” He ended his email with: “Keep up the good work and thanks for all MTAS does!” I also received a copy of a letter from the executive director of the TN District Attorneys General Conference praising another MTASer for his great work on a recent presentation. When we help a city with a solution to a problem; find ways for a city to operate more efficiently; are able to help a town so that it avoids a lawsuit; and better equip municipal staff through training on key issues, the citizens and residents and visitors to that community are the true beneficiaries. Furthermore, thanks to the administrative and support team who helps the consulting teams. Without this staff of professionals, the consultants couldn’t be as efficient and effective.

Thank you team MTAS. You are a great group to work with and together we do amazing things for our customers that in turn benefits their customers. In economic development terms, this is called the multiplier effect.

Have a great week,

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