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Executive News

Hello MTASers:

I had such a great time seeing us together last week at the annual conference. I hope that you learned something, enjoyed yourself, and got to know someone better.

As I mentioned during our MTAS time together, I am making my way across the state to pay a visit to each of you. I view you as my customer; and for me to be successful in meeting my customers’ needs, I need to know what those are. I look forward to spending some time with you individually to listen and learn.

One item I unintentionally neglected to mention is that the gentleman who takes care of the Knoxville office, James Moore, is collecting personal hygiene products/toiletries for his annual spring mission trip to Nicaragua. He will have a depository box in Knoxville (in the cubical two doors down from Armintha), but as I cross the state, I’ll gather collections from each office (this includes the home duty stations too). This agency does a lot of traveling, so the potential is there to collect a lot of little shampoo bottles and soaps for James to deliver to those much less fortunate.

Another item I meant to share with you is a budget update. Here is what I wanted to tell you:

The University has just closed the books on fiscal year 2017 and it was an excellent year for MTAS. Our agency is in a very solid financial position. In 2017, we had revenues of 6.8 million dollars (which is the largest ever) and was an increase of 3.4% from the previous year. We have budgeted a 3.2% increase in revenue for fiscal year 2018. The growth in our agency operations reflects the increased services that we are providing to our customers.

As you would expect, the largest expense in our budget is for our employees. In fact, 76% of our budget goes directly to our employees in the form of salaries and benefits. We are very fortunate to have received an appropriation increase from the State for a salary pool for pay increases this year. The remaining 24% of the budget is for operating expenses such as travel, supplies, and contractual services.

We have healthy reserves that are available to leverage additional revenue and to serve as a safety net in case of possible future downturns in the economy or our funding. So, as we look forward to this year, we have adequate resources available to provide excellent service to our customers.

Congratulations to the MTAS award winners at the annual conference: Cyndy for the Vice Presidential Citation; Michelle B. for the Tom and Diane Ballard Award of Excellence in Public Service; and Sherri for her Ten Year Service Award. And, congrats too to Team MTAS, winner of the trivia game. In case you missed it, here is a picture of the Trivia Trophy. Yes, the bucket-o-candy is part of it and I am bringing it with me as I cross the state. You’ll each have a chance to share in the spoils. And for the record, MTAS won with a score of 563.58, followed by CTAS with a score of 541.54, then IPS at 467.42, LEIC with 440.0 and CIS with 414.77, but hey, who’s counting?

Finally, please don’t forget:
· the Conflict of Interest Form is due September 30. In case you need the link, here you go:
· Securing the Human (security awareness) is due October 27

As you begin the shortened work week, I leave you with a quote from Steve Gilliand (last speaker at the conference) to inspire you: “When you prepare hard, it allows you to finish easy.’”

May you have an easy week ahead. Happy Labor Day!


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