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08/31/2011 Executive News

Executive News

IPS Staff,

All employees who were eligible for the 2% across the board increase should have received it in a July paycheck. Those eligible for a merit or market increase should have received it in an August paycheck. Since those increases are retroactive to July 1, you should see a separate entry on your check. On the monthly statement, a line called “Difference Prev. Per” indicates the July amount of the merit/market increase. The line called “regular pay” should be your new monthly rate including all increases and should match the amount that was on your letter.

If you have any questions that your agency business office cannot answer, please feel free to contact Judie Martin or Jane Davis.


Mary H. Jinks
Vice President
Institute for Public Service
The University of Tennessee
Suite 105 Student Services Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0213


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