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08/30/2004 Executive News

Executive News

T-3's - We are gradually getting away from using social security numbers as identifiers for all of us. Our travel form is being modified to remove your social security number and use your personnel number instead.

MTAS Retreat - Here's the schedule for the MTAS retreat. We don't have a location yet. We wanted to go to the Convention Center in Manchester but it's booked up for a crafts fair. We'll have the location soon. The overall theme of most of the sessions is emergency services. Don, Frances, Nancy, and Ray have put together a good program.

Wednesday Nov. 10
11:30 Arrive at Location (to be determined)
11:30-12 Check in
12:00 - 2:00 Lunch followed by presentation on Project Reporting and other administrative issues
2:30 -5 Tour of Arnold Engineering Development Center (bus)
6:00 -9:00 Dinner w/Awards and state of MTAS from Bob
Hospitality suite
Thursday Nov. 11
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
9-11:30 Tour of State Fire Academy (bus)
11:30-1:30 Lunch at Fire Academy
2 - 5:30 GIS & 911- Randy Porter, Chairman, Tennessee E911 Board, Executive Director of Putnam County E911
Emergency services and the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester - Coffee County Sheriff, Steve Graves
6:00 -9:00 Dinner followed by the "Aristocats" Show Choir from Tullahoma High School
Hospitality suite
Friday Nov. 12
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
9-11:30 Presentation and discussion on the MTAS five year plan and the results of the March 2004 planning sessions
12:00 Head home

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